Buildings and many other things, including this website(2), are under construction.
In the meantime, you can reach me(1) here.
(1) Cristiano Aires Teixeira, a Swiss Portuguese Architect, moved to Los Angeles after graduating with a Master of Science from ETH [Swiss Federal Institute for Technology]. There he worked as project architect at Escher GuneWardena on a wide range of projects. After moving back to Switzerland, he joined the chair of BUK [chair for Building Technology and Construction] at ETH as a teaching and research assistant and works part-time as a project architect at :mlzd. He founded RSTXR, which develops projects of all kind of scales,
be it
a thought,
an image,

a story,
a piece of furniture,
a building
or your neighborhood.

(2) This website should resemble a blueprint. The white lines on a blue background form a negative of the original. According to the Oxford Dictionary ’a blueprint is a plan which shows what can be achieved and how it can be achieved'.
What can we achieve together?
© 2022 RSTXR, Cristiano Aires Teixeira, architect MSc ETH Arch